so, today, later on, i'm supposed to talk to the coach abt races and camps for me to do in 2010. as i was planning myself. i started to come up with sort kind of races in many different places. if u c on the side bar, u would think, well.....even i thought i was ambitious, but then i realized and felt pretty sure i won't b doing all of the stuffs that i posted there. so, in the mean time, let's just called it the mock plan. as for the real and actual plan, stay tuned....i'll dfntly update that soon.
in line to the talk, i realized, all of our plan in life should b surrendered to GOD. it is always a must and good thing to do to have a plan for our life. about what things we want, about how we want the things to happen, about the things that we wanted to do, etc...but yet, all has to be done according to HIS plan. all shall be on HIS track, on HIS course. and that's why we surrender our plan to GOD. just as in Jer 29:11...God bless....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
still running
last nite, i was doing my training run around my neighborhood, in the cold nite with snow all around the site of the road, as i liked it, since i think the snow actually help my visibility to the road with its reflection of the street and house's lite, especially with the holiday season decoration that people around my area putting up. it is always nice. and oh..., wanted to thank them for keep it lit in the neighborhood.
the run itself was pretty good. i was able to control my pace and my effort. i was able to control my hr in terms of pace and effort that i wanted to put in. after a little while not running with snow surrounding, i guess i kind of forgot of how cold it could b, so with my short, obviously i felt a little bit chilly, but it's nice.
with nite run, sometimes, comes a little problem from motorists. some of them are pretty understanding. as soon as they see me from afar still running, they would swerve a little bit to the other side to avoid me, but others, they are so very very....well....not sure what's the word, but for me it is sometimes annoying.
there was one time an old lady actually stop in front of my running path with no car coming from the other side for her to just swerve a little bit the other side. she actually stop, horned and looked at me, as if i was some kind of fugitive on the run. she seemed trying to check me out, and i was like.....what's up with that? with my two hands and shoulder raised up just like a little kid trying to act like he doesn't know what's going on, since well...for me, i didn't know what's going on with the old lady. as for me, i jst kept on running.
then, there are also people that seemed they are actually purposely trying to either ran me off the street, or just scare me. as for me, i always make sure people in the car see me and please share the road. btw, this is not a rage, but just something that i thought i found it funny how people driving a car can be so ignorant to the surrounding. i mean, where did u get ur license? did u bribe someone? oh well.....i guess that's jst one of the few gimmicks, or experience that i hd to go thru as a runner, huh? yeach.....i know.....sounded weird....any thoughts?
the run itself was pretty good. i was able to control my pace and my effort. i was able to control my hr in terms of pace and effort that i wanted to put in. after a little while not running with snow surrounding, i guess i kind of forgot of how cold it could b, so with my short, obviously i felt a little bit chilly, but it's nice.
with nite run, sometimes, comes a little problem from motorists. some of them are pretty understanding. as soon as they see me from afar still running, they would swerve a little bit to the other side to avoid me, but others, they are so very very....well....not sure what's the word, but for me it is sometimes annoying.
there was one time an old lady actually stop in front of my running path with no car coming from the other side for her to just swerve a little bit the other side. she actually stop, horned and looked at me, as if i was some kind of fugitive on the run. she seemed trying to check me out, and i was like.....what's up with that? with my two hands and shoulder raised up just like a little kid trying to act like he doesn't know what's going on, since well...for me, i didn't know what's going on with the old lady. as for me, i jst kept on running.
then, there are also people that seemed they are actually purposely trying to either ran me off the street, or just scare me. as for me, i always make sure people in the car see me and please share the road. btw, this is not a rage, but just something that i thought i found it funny how people driving a car can be so ignorant to the surrounding. i mean, where did u get ur license? did u bribe someone? oh well.....i guess that's jst one of the few gimmicks, or experience that i hd to go thru as a runner, huh? yeach.....i know.....sounded weird....any thoughts?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
training start and so far....
i had start my training for the season for about a month, or so. so far, the weather here has been quite supportive of my training, thank GOD for that. the only not so good time so far is the wind and the day and nite when we had temperature in the teens here in the midwest. snow has not been much of a factor, at least so far for me, altho it had been showing for about 2 days, and it came on my rest day. prefect....hahhaha....
as of now, the training have brought me some issues. first, it was the shoe. i was trying different shoes to find an alternatives, but yet, somehow, my feet is just the special and weird kind. not many shoes can fit on my foot. i have been using the asics cumulus with 4e width, yes...u read it rite, 4e width. not sure where i got them. none of my siblings have that, but oh well....i guess that's one of my uniqueness... it is indeed both good and bad at the same time. the good thing, there's that one special shoe just for me, that it's definitely easy for me to get, but then again, it's not that good either that it means i don't have many choices. can't use other cool shoes that people are wearing, can't even try the one with the cool colorful type, but oh well....what can i do? i guess that's just the way GOD created me; unique and for me to be just like that as i am cool like that....
then, the alternatives shoes that i was trying to use for running caused pain problem on top of my foot. and surprisingly, that got fixed quite easily with just changing to my regularly fitted shoe, what's up with that? it's like the phrase, ''s gotta b the shoes..' is indeed true...
next, i started to feel some pain on the parts of my leg and knee. and again, those were solved quite not so hard. basically, all i need is just rest, which sometimes, or maybe even most of the time, i forgot. i guess i tend to overworked. not sure whether it is my own character, or is it because of where i came from, or could it be because of my inheritance? hm....i must've had read too much. the book that i am reading rite now, definitely make me think like that, man....but i'm not going to talk about it here. i'll talk about it on the other blog. here, it should jst be about training.
so for now, training, i would say, have been going pretty decent. i think i am at where i would need to be so far in the beginning of the season, altho sometimes i think i should train more to be where i would like to be, but, then again, this is still way early in the season.
the goal of this early season run focus training was to maintain certain low hr, and i do know i achieve that, so....i guess i jst have to hang do u measure and see the result? stay tuned....
next, i started to feel some pain on the parts of my leg and knee. and again, those were solved quite not so hard. basically, all i need is just rest, which sometimes, or maybe even most of the time, i forgot. i guess i tend to overworked. not sure whether it is my own character, or is it because of where i came from, or could it be because of my inheritance? hm....i must've had read too much. the book that i am reading rite now, definitely make me think like that, man....but i'm not going to talk about it here. i'll talk about it on the other blog. here, it should jst be about training.
so for now, training, i would say, have been going pretty decent. i think i am at where i would need to be so far in the beginning of the season, altho sometimes i think i should train more to be where i would like to be, but, then again, this is still way early in the season.
the goal of this early season run focus training was to maintain certain low hr, and i do know i achieve that, so....i guess i jst have to hang do u measure and see the result? stay tuned....
long overdue...
yeach yeach....finally i'm back on the blogger's block. after a long hiatus, not sure exactly why, but probably because i jst lost my appetite to read and write, i am now definitely back on the writing mode. at the same time, it could also be because i am so looking forward for the year 2010. there are so much things that i'd like to do, but in this blog, it will all about training and race.
so...after the end of the season for me, in which i participated in the pelotonia 180-mile bike ride, i decided to take a vacation from pretty much everything, including work and training. but now, i am back, especially since we are already in december and so close to the end of 2009. woohoo...and yes, i am still training with the human powered racing group. the team pretty much already strated training about a month or so. got a chance to meet new teammates, new people, and even some old faces that i actually quite missed. as for me, some things had been planned for the season, but not all of them set yet. altho, the team already got off to a good start. we already had our very own first race event; and yes, i did participate in the beer mile. crazy?! but yet, it was fun, and for me, it was the intention to participate. for me, it was one of those things that u can say, '...there's always a first time for everything...' and yet for me, it was indeed the last time. not that i regret doing that, but i was just not good at that. altho, i am still looking for the pix from that nite. when i got them i'll definitely post it here, in the mean time, stay tuned....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
not good
so, i did my last tri race for the season last sunday up in vermillion. race site area was great. but the result, well....can't say anything good about it.
at first, after the race, i thought to myself, man....that was terrible. as much as i think i did great in the swim, but somehow my legs wouldn't want to fire up on the first 5 mile of the bike. it was hard for me to pedal, but then after a while, it went ok and i was able to speed up and gain my speed back. the run, well.....let's just say, i would like to thank all the support from the community of vermillion for lending some water, cheering voice, and hand-clapping throughout the run course. without them, i would probably not finish the race. it was hot and at the same time, i think i was not properly hydrated the day before. my fault....
after having thought about what happened before and during the race, and also talked with my best-friend (yy), i realized, ' it was not too terrible, after all...' i was a little disappointed, since the result was not what i expect to be of myself, but yet, i'm pretty sure i live with it. definitely learned from it tho.
as hot as the day was and as hard as the course was, i do still thank GOD that i can finish the race. quite a few things happened along the way to some people, including a DNF for one of my teammates, because of asthma attack, on the swim. yeach....that was definitely not comforting. other than that, i thanked GOD for taking care of my teammates.
here's a pic from the race....
at first, after the race, i thought to myself, man....that was terrible. as much as i think i did great in the swim, but somehow my legs wouldn't want to fire up on the first 5 mile of the bike. it was hard for me to pedal, but then after a while, it went ok and i was able to speed up and gain my speed back. the run, well.....let's just say, i would like to thank all the support from the community of vermillion for lending some water, cheering voice, and hand-clapping throughout the run course. without them, i would probably not finish the race. it was hot and at the same time, i think i was not properly hydrated the day before. my fault....
after having thought about what happened before and during the race, and also talked with my best-friend (yy), i realized, ' it was not too terrible, after all...' i was a little disappointed, since the result was not what i expect to be of myself, but yet, i'm pretty sure i live with it. definitely learned from it tho.
as hot as the day was and as hard as the course was, i do still thank GOD that i can finish the race. quite a few things happened along the way to some people, including a DNF for one of my teammates, because of asthma attack, on the swim. yeach....that was definitely not comforting. other than that, i thanked GOD for taking care of my teammates.
here's a pic from the race....

Monday, August 10, 2009
july race
so, last month, i did a race in new york (upstate), called musselman. very interesting, scenic, wonderful place. it stages around the lake called seneca. pretty bid lake. surprising about the terrain was hilly; for the bike an run. but yet, it was the first race that i did where my speed on the bike was actually faster than what it is posted for cars.....
i did the race with a couple of my teammates, well....actually, only four of us. but still, it was fun and always encouraging to do races when u can see familiar faces along the course.
in terms of the results, i was pretty happy. i finished faster than what i wanted to. even more surprising and rewarding, i did that in a challenging and tough course. altho, to be honest, weather-wise, it helped. so, for all that, i thank GOD.
below are some of the race pix...enjoy....

i did the race with a couple of my teammates, well....actually, only four of us. but still, it was fun and always encouraging to do races when u can see familiar faces along the course.
in terms of the results, i was pretty happy. i finished faster than what i wanted to. even more surprising and rewarding, i did that in a challenging and tough course. altho, to be honest, weather-wise, it helped. so, for all that, i thank GOD.
below are some of the race pix...enjoy....

i finally can write again. after a long while, i was stuck in the office doing the work that i was given to, now i am able to write something and hopefully tell stories of what had happen to me for almost the past 2 weeks.
out of all the busyness at work, i always thank GOD that I am still given the time and opportunity to train and race. so, after the deer creek race that i did (as u can see from the pix from the last previous post), a lot of things had happened and changed. i had to re-write a couple of my race plan. nothing major. at the same time, the training plan does not change tho.
so, after deer creek, training had been going well. i was able to do my speed training, endurance training, hills training, time-trial training, wind training, rain training, and off course, heat training. along the way, i felt good, no setbacks, no injuries. basically, everything went as well as i had hoped for. out of all the hectic in the office, in my personal life, my spiritual life, and others that i may not be able to think of now, i truly thank GOD that i was given the time and opportunity to get good rest, good nutrition, good support, nice time management, that i actually felt i am amazed that i was able to do all that.
GOD has been very very merciful and favorable to me in every aspects of my life. He has given me the ability, time, opportunity, space, everything for me to absorb and do all that things that i wanted and need to do.
out of all the busyness at work, i always thank GOD that I am still given the time and opportunity to train and race. so, after the deer creek race that i did (as u can see from the pix from the last previous post), a lot of things had happened and changed. i had to re-write a couple of my race plan. nothing major. at the same time, the training plan does not change tho.
so, after deer creek, training had been going well. i was able to do my speed training, endurance training, hills training, time-trial training, wind training, rain training, and off course, heat training. along the way, i felt good, no setbacks, no injuries. basically, everything went as well as i had hoped for. out of all the hectic in the office, in my personal life, my spiritual life, and others that i may not be able to think of now, i truly thank GOD that i was given the time and opportunity to get good rest, good nutrition, good support, nice time management, that i actually felt i am amazed that i was able to do all that.
GOD has been very very merciful and favorable to me in every aspects of my life. He has given me the ability, time, opportunity, space, everything for me to absorb and do all that things that i wanted and need to do.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
after a while...
As for training, I think it is going well. Another race in the book. I jst did the deer creek Olympic distance this past weekend. Felt good overall. I do know I went out hard. Because I couldn’t even move in the afternoon after I got back from the race. I stayed at home and just laying in the couch.
Biked pretty fast, that I think I was reaching 25mph at one stretch of a road, and I wasn’t panting. The run was great, even my coach said that my running form is great.
As much as I have not trained with the team, I managed to do all the training myself. I am still able to find time to swim, bike, and run; out of all the busyness and hectic things that I’m doing. And, thanx to my coach for affirming that. At least, I’m not wasting anything; and doing things that I wanted to see result on.
Biked pretty fast, that I think I was reaching 25mph at one stretch of a road, and I wasn’t panting. The run was great, even my coach said that my running form is great.
As much as I have not trained with the team, I managed to do all the training myself. I am still able to find time to swim, bike, and run; out of all the busyness and hectic things that I’m doing. And, thanx to my coach for affirming that. At least, I’m not wasting anything; and doing things that I wanted to see result on.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
here i go again. one of the big tri race of the season. the day started at around 4.45am. i woke up; take a quick shower then headed for some coffee. i went outside to feel the temperature and looked over to the ocean sight. everything felt ok, not much of surprise, the water in the ocean still looked about as rough as the days before. guessed that’s probably not gonna change in the next hour or two. headed back inside; grab my stuffs to set up the transition area.
as I got to the transition area, as always, crowded. thank GOD i found a guy easily to help bodymarked me with numbers and a lightning bolt on my right calf. that’s rite, i made the guy to make that sign; then i headed to my bike. set up my transition area with bike shoes, running shoes, running visor, bib number for the run, socks, powerbar bar, powerbar gels (lots of ‘em). i think i left about 10 in that transition area and again, thank GOD nobody stole them. i put some foot powder on my socks to prevent blister and any other stuffs that could messed up my feet during the bike and/or the run; since i knew i was going to be wet the whole day. then again, this is the only legal wet shirt contest in the world. woohoo………
i pumped my tires up, set up my helmet, my shades for both the bike and run. a couple of my teammates borrowed my pump, it’s cool. always ready to help. i hung around the transition area for a while; trying to visualize my exit from the swim, my exit for the bike, how i am going to undress from my wetsuit, how I’m going to got out of transition for the bike, how i am going to come in after the bike, how i was going to leave the transition again for the run. everything. check, re-check, and do it all over again. after a while, I thought, well….i think i’m set now. so I went back to the place i stayed.
relax, ate some breakfast (bagel with peanut butter and banana), drank some coffee, water, and some gatorade. high five with the comrade. then, i started to do some lube up off my body with body glide, sunscreen, etc. by that time, i realized it’s time to put on the wetsuit. i got out of the beachfront; talking with some of my teammates while we watched some of the people (the pros – mike and ben, the girls – rika, katie, rebekkah, kerry, angela, and mel) that went on to the water for the race. as i faced the water from where i stayed, I thought to myself; this is it; i really was serious for this race. i asked mike for some advice and he said, ‘…comfort equal fast, u will go fast…’ thanx mike.
I felt good, fit and very encouraged; I was encouraged by my friends that are back in cols; either thru phone, text message, facebook, etc from days before; and I was also encouraged by my teammates that were with me. Having them there actually made me pumped up even more. I was feeling a little pressure, but somehow I felt GOD helped me to use that pressure as an added motivation for me to not just strive to do good and/or well, but even more to do the very best. so, as I headed to the start line, I yelled; ‘…rock and roll…’ and high fives to the teammates that were still in the cottage. I headed to the gulf to feel the water with the wetsuit, prep my goggle, and swimcap. then headed to the start line as my corral was called.
and then……….THE HORN went off……let’s go…….
the swim started ok. I felt fine until I realized a lifeguard on a surfboard started telling me to go the other way, because I just went off course……oh well……and yet, I was calm; I wasn’t panicking. Then, I started to swim following the course until I found somebody that I can draft off. The water was pretty rough. Hard to sight for the buoy. Waves keep coming towards me. my goodness….i felt like it was so long I was in the water that i wasn’t even dare to look at my watch as I made the turn around to go back to dry land. After getting into a certain rhythm and finding more people that I can draft off the swim to go back, I started to see where I’m heading and I just thought to myself, here we go….get ready….
I got out of the water at about 45/46 minutes and I thought, ‘…hmmm….not bad, probably the same as last year…’ then, I heard a loud cheering from erin, so I gave a thumb up…..thanx erin…..i headed to my transition area; took off my wetsuit; put on all the bike needs then headed out for the bike.
first few miles, I felt pretty good, not panting, pretty calm, so i decided to eat some of the bar. I saw a couple of my teammates (butter, brewer, dustin, then mags) on the first turn around. Everything felt good and I felt pretty confident on the bike that as I got to about mile 10, I realized I caught up with my temmates. I was mike and ben (the pros) headed back, then I saw butter in front of me, so I thought, ‘…hm…see what I can do?’ so, as I passed him, I yelled an encouragement to him. Then, after a bit, he passed me again as we went up the bridge. Then, at about mile 20, brewer passed me, and I started to see some of my teammates (j, katie, rika with a shout to encourage me, but I could shout back since I was so surprised; thanx rika, then I saw keller, mel, kerry, and angela) that started earlier headed back to transition.
As I make the last turn around to go back to transition, I started to look at my watch and thought to myself, ‘…hmm…not too bad, I think I’m still on pace, especially with all that wind…’ then, I hit the aid station by the turn around, grabbing the gatorade and water that they’re giving away. Suddenly, I hit a pothole….then, I heard a crack; I looked down on my bike searching for something either broke, or got stuck on my bike. Check everything that I could check, did not find anything so, I thought, ok everything’s fine. So, I went back to my aero position. Then I realized my left arm kept slipping off the aero pad. So I tried to put a little pressure to check and yes……that’s rite, the holder broke….mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn…………..
I tried to keep myself on the aero position as much as I could, but yet it is very very uncomfortable, so I decided to go back and forth frequently between up and aero with hope that the wind could help me get back. Well….guess what? I was wrong, the wind didn’t help at all. The head wind still kept pushing me back. For a moment, I thought this thing was not gonna help, especially not being able to be comfortable on the aero position. But yet, I still do my best, especially after seeing some of my teammates (tom, bob, matt, and my bro; john) heading to the bike turn around. Then, tim, my other teammates passed me. after a while, I started to catch my other teammate (angela) and shout out an encouragement. Finally, i got back to the transition safely. As I got off the bike, I felt some pain on my lower left back and started to shake my head off with a thought of what else could go not rite? Then, I racked my bike back to place and change to my run gear and I saw my other teammate (storr) getting ready to go out for the run. I took time to stretch my back a little, then I went out for the run. As I got out of the transition, I heard another loud cheer from rika’s mom (thanx, nancy); that really was very helpful. It actually encouraged me to be able to keep going.
At the run, I started to catch some of my teammates. I caught up my storr; gave some encouragement; then I caught up with eric; another shout of encouragement to him. Then, I started running on my own for a while watching some of my teammates headed to the finish line. First, at mile 3/4, I saw j, then i said to myself, ‘…thank GOD, I’m actually improve than last year, yeach…..’ then, at around mile 4/5, I saw katie, gave her some shout out of encouragement, until one of my other friends caught me, so we ended up running together for a couple of miles. Well….actually it’s more like him running faster than me, then walk and caught him again and passing and all that going on. Then, around mile 5, I saw rika and brewer. Then, just before I got into the park, which is before mile 6, I saw keller. As I got out of the st. andrew’s park, I saw bob, angela and dustin. Then, as I got to about mile 8, I caught up with tim. As soon as he heard me yelling, he just said, ‘…oh oh….’ So I asked, ‘what’s up?’ and he just said, ‘…dejavu, hansen…’ so I shout an encouragement to him, which I think it did help that he ended up passing me. and then, on mile 10, I saw john again. Another shout of encouragement.The next 2 mile, I still stayed on my rhythm and I felt good, then as soon as I hit mile 12, I started to walk a bit to gather up the leftover energy that I had for a strong finish.
So, for the last ¾ of a mile, I ran as fast and as strong as I could to the finish line until I saw my teammates on side and gave them high five and sprint to the finish line with nothing left on my body. Then, I pumped a fist to the air and said, thank GOD…..
as I got to the transition area, as always, crowded. thank GOD i found a guy easily to help bodymarked me with numbers and a lightning bolt on my right calf. that’s rite, i made the guy to make that sign; then i headed to my bike. set up my transition area with bike shoes, running shoes, running visor, bib number for the run, socks, powerbar bar, powerbar gels (lots of ‘em). i think i left about 10 in that transition area and again, thank GOD nobody stole them. i put some foot powder on my socks to prevent blister and any other stuffs that could messed up my feet during the bike and/or the run; since i knew i was going to be wet the whole day. then again, this is the only legal wet shirt contest in the world. woohoo………
i pumped my tires up, set up my helmet, my shades for both the bike and run. a couple of my teammates borrowed my pump, it’s cool. always ready to help. i hung around the transition area for a while; trying to visualize my exit from the swim, my exit for the bike, how i am going to undress from my wetsuit, how I’m going to got out of transition for the bike, how i am going to come in after the bike, how i was going to leave the transition again for the run. everything. check, re-check, and do it all over again. after a while, I thought, well….i think i’m set now. so I went back to the place i stayed.
relax, ate some breakfast (bagel with peanut butter and banana), drank some coffee, water, and some gatorade. high five with the comrade. then, i started to do some lube up off my body with body glide, sunscreen, etc. by that time, i realized it’s time to put on the wetsuit. i got out of the beachfront; talking with some of my teammates while we watched some of the people (the pros – mike and ben, the girls – rika, katie, rebekkah, kerry, angela, and mel) that went on to the water for the race. as i faced the water from where i stayed, I thought to myself; this is it; i really was serious for this race. i asked mike for some advice and he said, ‘…comfort equal fast, u will go fast…’ thanx mike.
I felt good, fit and very encouraged; I was encouraged by my friends that are back in cols; either thru phone, text message, facebook, etc from days before; and I was also encouraged by my teammates that were with me. Having them there actually made me pumped up even more. I was feeling a little pressure, but somehow I felt GOD helped me to use that pressure as an added motivation for me to not just strive to do good and/or well, but even more to do the very best. so, as I headed to the start line, I yelled; ‘…rock and roll…’ and high fives to the teammates that were still in the cottage. I headed to the gulf to feel the water with the wetsuit, prep my goggle, and swimcap. then headed to the start line as my corral was called.
and then……….THE HORN went off……let’s go…….
the swim started ok. I felt fine until I realized a lifeguard on a surfboard started telling me to go the other way, because I just went off course……oh well……and yet, I was calm; I wasn’t panicking. Then, I started to swim following the course until I found somebody that I can draft off. The water was pretty rough. Hard to sight for the buoy. Waves keep coming towards me. my goodness….i felt like it was so long I was in the water that i wasn’t even dare to look at my watch as I made the turn around to go back to dry land. After getting into a certain rhythm and finding more people that I can draft off the swim to go back, I started to see where I’m heading and I just thought to myself, here we go….get ready….
I got out of the water at about 45/46 minutes and I thought, ‘…hmmm….not bad, probably the same as last year…’ then, I heard a loud cheering from erin, so I gave a thumb up…..thanx erin…..i headed to my transition area; took off my wetsuit; put on all the bike needs then headed out for the bike.
first few miles, I felt pretty good, not panting, pretty calm, so i decided to eat some of the bar. I saw a couple of my teammates (butter, brewer, dustin, then mags) on the first turn around. Everything felt good and I felt pretty confident on the bike that as I got to about mile 10, I realized I caught up with my temmates. I was mike and ben (the pros) headed back, then I saw butter in front of me, so I thought, ‘…hm…see what I can do?’ so, as I passed him, I yelled an encouragement to him. Then, after a bit, he passed me again as we went up the bridge. Then, at about mile 20, brewer passed me, and I started to see some of my teammates (j, katie, rika with a shout to encourage me, but I could shout back since I was so surprised; thanx rika, then I saw keller, mel, kerry, and angela) that started earlier headed back to transition.
As I make the last turn around to go back to transition, I started to look at my watch and thought to myself, ‘…hmm…not too bad, I think I’m still on pace, especially with all that wind…’ then, I hit the aid station by the turn around, grabbing the gatorade and water that they’re giving away. Suddenly, I hit a pothole….then, I heard a crack; I looked down on my bike searching for something either broke, or got stuck on my bike. Check everything that I could check, did not find anything so, I thought, ok everything’s fine. So, I went back to my aero position. Then I realized my left arm kept slipping off the aero pad. So I tried to put a little pressure to check and yes……that’s rite, the holder broke….mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn…………..
I tried to keep myself on the aero position as much as I could, but yet it is very very uncomfortable, so I decided to go back and forth frequently between up and aero with hope that the wind could help me get back. Well….guess what? I was wrong, the wind didn’t help at all. The head wind still kept pushing me back. For a moment, I thought this thing was not gonna help, especially not being able to be comfortable on the aero position. But yet, I still do my best, especially after seeing some of my teammates (tom, bob, matt, and my bro; john) heading to the bike turn around. Then, tim, my other teammates passed me. after a while, I started to catch my other teammate (angela) and shout out an encouragement. Finally, i got back to the transition safely. As I got off the bike, I felt some pain on my lower left back and started to shake my head off with a thought of what else could go not rite? Then, I racked my bike back to place and change to my run gear and I saw my other teammate (storr) getting ready to go out for the run. I took time to stretch my back a little, then I went out for the run. As I got out of the transition, I heard another loud cheer from rika’s mom (thanx, nancy); that really was very helpful. It actually encouraged me to be able to keep going.
At the run, I started to catch some of my teammates. I caught up my storr; gave some encouragement; then I caught up with eric; another shout of encouragement to him. Then, I started running on my own for a while watching some of my teammates headed to the finish line. First, at mile 3/4, I saw j, then i said to myself, ‘…thank GOD, I’m actually improve than last year, yeach…..’ then, at around mile 4/5, I saw katie, gave her some shout out of encouragement, until one of my other friends caught me, so we ended up running together for a couple of miles. Well….actually it’s more like him running faster than me, then walk and caught him again and passing and all that going on. Then, around mile 5, I saw rika and brewer. Then, just before I got into the park, which is before mile 6, I saw keller. As I got out of the st. andrew’s park, I saw bob, angela and dustin. Then, as I got to about mile 8, I caught up with tim. As soon as he heard me yelling, he just said, ‘…oh oh….’ So I asked, ‘what’s up?’ and he just said, ‘…dejavu, hansen…’ so I shout an encouragement to him, which I think it did help that he ended up passing me. and then, on mile 10, I saw john again. Another shout of encouragement.The next 2 mile, I still stayed on my rhythm and I felt good, then as soon as I hit mile 12, I started to walk a bit to gather up the leftover energy that I had for a strong finish.
So, for the last ¾ of a mile, I ran as fast and as strong as I could to the finish line until I saw my teammates on side and gave them high five and sprint to the finish line with nothing left on my body. Then, I pumped a fist to the air and said, thank GOD…..
Friday, May 8, 2009
days b4 race we go....1st tri race of the season, but first, let's talk about travel. nothing much of excitement. driving for about 14 hours definitely not as good as last year. then again, surprisingly, i actually felt we got to the race site faster than last year.
drove thru around the same area, which are ohio, kentucky, tennesee, alabama, and end in florida. travel weather was not too bad, altho there were some areas that we had to went thru a wild rainstorm. i drove about a couple hours of the portion. mostly during the hour when people do need to sleep, which is around midnite to around 3, or 4am.
we got in to destination around 8, or 9am. went for breakfast at the usual place. got the breakfast buffett; bacon, egg, apple sticks, grits, o j, coffee, etc. then, headed to the place to stay at the doorman's cottage.
nice, cozy place by the beachfront, looking to the beach on the back. i was trying to get some nap, but yet, probably it's me; it's just not me. can't sleep. did got some shut eye tho, but still, it's different.
to tell u the truth, i wanted to try the water at the gulf as soon as i got to the place but yet, we'll wait on the team.
after all that, we finally went to try water at the gulf. not too cold; actually pretty warm. got ready; put on the wetsuit; got into the water; well....guess what?
too hot; felt suffocating. went back to the shore, take the wetsuit out and tried again. felt better afterwards. but still, my h r went up to the roof.
many things came into my mind. not enough rest; wrong things to eat; not enough water to drink along the way of the travel.
then, we biked around the race course. felt a little better, especially after the powerbar bar and gel. got a chance to feel my leg got some work and some speed work too. then, we ran for about 20min. still afterwards, not feeling too good. then, oh we go again. am i feeling the same as lst year? what am i doing wrong? felt like my body system not working as i wanted to. don't like this feeling. starting to feel uncomfortable, doubts, past failures was back on the mind.
so, i started to calm myself down. relaxing myself a bit. a lot had happened in the last 24 hours and i had not had enough of things to feel better. not enough food, not enough drink, not enough rest, etc. this is the time when i really really need encouragement.
after all that, we rested; took a shower to freshen up; plan for dinner; went to the grocery, got stuffs to eat. time to enjoy the food, breeze, the view, white sand, and the company of great up.....sleep......
drove thru around the same area, which are ohio, kentucky, tennesee, alabama, and end in florida. travel weather was not too bad, altho there were some areas that we had to went thru a wild rainstorm. i drove about a couple hours of the portion. mostly during the hour when people do need to sleep, which is around midnite to around 3, or 4am.
we got in to destination around 8, or 9am. went for breakfast at the usual place. got the breakfast buffett; bacon, egg, apple sticks, grits, o j, coffee, etc. then, headed to the place to stay at the doorman's cottage.
nice, cozy place by the beachfront, looking to the beach on the back. i was trying to get some nap, but yet, probably it's me; it's just not me. can't sleep. did got some shut eye tho, but still, it's different.
to tell u the truth, i wanted to try the water at the gulf as soon as i got to the place but yet, we'll wait on the team.
after all that, we finally went to try water at the gulf. not too cold; actually pretty warm. got ready; put on the wetsuit; got into the water; well....guess what?
too hot; felt suffocating. went back to the shore, take the wetsuit out and tried again. felt better afterwards. but still, my h r went up to the roof.
many things came into my mind. not enough rest; wrong things to eat; not enough water to drink along the way of the travel.
then, we biked around the race course. felt a little better, especially after the powerbar bar and gel. got a chance to feel my leg got some work and some speed work too. then, we ran for about 20min. still afterwards, not feeling too good. then, oh we go again. am i feeling the same as lst year? what am i doing wrong? felt like my body system not working as i wanted to. don't like this feeling. starting to feel uncomfortable, doubts, past failures was back on the mind.
so, i started to calm myself down. relaxing myself a bit. a lot had happened in the last 24 hours and i had not had enough of things to feel better. not enough food, not enough drink, not enough rest, etc. this is the time when i really really need encouragement.
after all that, we rested; took a shower to freshen up; plan for dinner; went to the grocery, got stuffs to eat. time to enjoy the food, breeze, the view, white sand, and the company of great up.....sleep......
Monday, May 4, 2009
one week....ok maybe less....
ok, so, it's about a week before gct. one of my big races for this year. one of the races that i put as a goal that i want to do well, well...not just well tho; i really do want to do very well, no, maybe even great. i want to do great. training has been great. can't complain. progress is definitely felt in so many ways. preparation is coming along. a lot of my friends that know about me doing this race have been asking whether i'm prepared or not. all i can say for now is's been a while i'm doing this training, even for this year. i felt pretty good. we'll see.
i know i can only control things that i can control, especially during the race. other than that, there is always things u can't control; such as the weather. what can't you do if it is too hot, or maybe even too cold? u get what u can get. u take care what u can. other than that, u can only manage what u can manage during the race. and tell u the truth, that's one of the things that i like about the race. take what u can get. bring it on.
one of my teammates, which is also my swim coach, g, was talking about her pr in gct. she actually kind of challenged me to try maybe even to match that. i'd sure like to do that, altho i don't know whether i can do it or not. in one way, she actually had been saying that a lot out of me have improved. she said i looked better on the swim; faster on the bike, and also faster on the run. and yes, it is very encouraging, but yet, on the other side, i don't want to be too over confidence. at certain level, i felt very comfortable going into this race than any other race that i had ever done.
as of Wednesday, I felt pretty calm. but yet, with some pre-cautions, i felt a little uneasy; afraid of what could happen; afraid that what happen last year happened again; afraid that I could not match my goal. pressure. then again, I do know that most times, I thrive with pressure. we’ll see….i’ll update more later on as the days get closer to the race…
i know i can only control things that i can control, especially during the race. other than that, there is always things u can't control; such as the weather. what can't you do if it is too hot, or maybe even too cold? u get what u can get. u take care what u can. other than that, u can only manage what u can manage during the race. and tell u the truth, that's one of the things that i like about the race. take what u can get. bring it on.
one of my teammates, which is also my swim coach, g, was talking about her pr in gct. she actually kind of challenged me to try maybe even to match that. i'd sure like to do that, altho i don't know whether i can do it or not. in one way, she actually had been saying that a lot out of me have improved. she said i looked better on the swim; faster on the bike, and also faster on the run. and yes, it is very encouraging, but yet, on the other side, i don't want to be too over confidence. at certain level, i felt very comfortable going into this race than any other race that i had ever done.
as of Wednesday, I felt pretty calm. but yet, with some pre-cautions, i felt a little uneasy; afraid of what could happen; afraid that what happen last year happened again; afraid that I could not match my goal. pressure. then again, I do know that most times, I thrive with pressure. we’ll see….i’ll update more later on as the days get closer to the race…
cool pix
a very nice and cool pix from the 2009 training camp down in portsmouth. i don't mean to brag about myself, but i'm actually bragging the person that take this pix. he was also on the bike riding with his hand stretch back to take this pix. thanx to the person. he actually made me look
new kick.....
i tried new shoes. previously for the gct, i was going to use the one that had been using for the past month; which is the asics gel cumulus x. but then, when i tried the gel cumulus xi a couple of times, i'm quite convinced that i'll be using the xi in the race. the shoes felt great. for me, it fit well, just the ix; which i loved the most.
Friday, April 10, 2009
surprise progress
Wow, ok, so after about almost 2 months since i last posted stuffs in here; a lot had happened during training. And surprisingly, I was able to do some races (running). As for training, things have been going ok. I can still do my training pretty fairly. Although not much with the team, but I managed to put in time for those swim, bike and run. I did train with the team tho about 2 weeks ago. Biking and running. Although there was an unpleasant event, but yet, still the team managed to carry on with the training. And it turns out the event was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
As for races; i managed to do two running races. One is a 4-miler and the other is a half marathon. Both came out with a surprising result. I did the 4-miler in 31:13. that means I ran at abt a 7:48 pace average, in which I didn’t even know that I could run that fast. So, yes, that was great. Then, last week, I ran a half marathon. And the result was 1:50:20. that, too, was a surprising result. I did not really have any target goal per say, in terms of finishing time. Although I did want to finish under 2hr. a 1:59:00 would definitely make me quit happy, but after knowing the result, I felt even better and happier. With that result, that means I ran an 8:25 pace. That is also an unexpected. Really really did not know that I could run that fast, especially in a half marathon race. Although my running coach (teammate j) predicted that I would finish around that time. Still, for me, that is definitely keeps me on track in my training. and, and, guess what? On top of that, i found out yesterday that I was actually the top ten in my age group. That is definitely something for me. Maybe not for some of you guys/girls…
The reflexion?
Well…for a while, I never thought I could be this better in terms of my athletic performance. I do know I am still not the best, or fastest. But yet, i and I think some people around me could see and notice the improvement that is happening within me. And, in terms of the training with the team, I felt like i’m one of the guys that has become the benchmark of performance. I felt some teammates started to think that they can beat me; they want to beat me; they want to be faster than me. And, I think that’s ok. I think I accept that challenge. I accept that role and responsibility. Because that has also become one of my drives of motivations. The motivation to keep going and growing. To still strive for the better me. Better performance; better insight, better understanding, better ways to encourage people around me.
I remember in the beginning of the year, I realized that I am walking into the unknowns. Well…, guess what? This is it. This is one of the unknowns. I had never been in this position before. God definitely challenges me thru all these; thru the event that I’m in, thru the people that are around me; and thru things that I never thought I would be doing. Thank God for everything and for always being with me.
As for races; i managed to do two running races. One is a 4-miler and the other is a half marathon. Both came out with a surprising result. I did the 4-miler in 31:13. that means I ran at abt a 7:48 pace average, in which I didn’t even know that I could run that fast. So, yes, that was great. Then, last week, I ran a half marathon. And the result was 1:50:20. that, too, was a surprising result. I did not really have any target goal per say, in terms of finishing time. Although I did want to finish under 2hr. a 1:59:00 would definitely make me quit happy, but after knowing the result, I felt even better and happier. With that result, that means I ran an 8:25 pace. That is also an unexpected. Really really did not know that I could run that fast, especially in a half marathon race. Although my running coach (teammate j) predicted that I would finish around that time. Still, for me, that is definitely keeps me on track in my training. and, and, guess what? On top of that, i found out yesterday that I was actually the top ten in my age group. That is definitely something for me. Maybe not for some of you guys/girls…
The reflexion?
Well…for a while, I never thought I could be this better in terms of my athletic performance. I do know I am still not the best, or fastest. But yet, i and I think some people around me could see and notice the improvement that is happening within me. And, in terms of the training with the team, I felt like i’m one of the guys that has become the benchmark of performance. I felt some teammates started to think that they can beat me; they want to beat me; they want to be faster than me. And, I think that’s ok. I think I accept that challenge. I accept that role and responsibility. Because that has also become one of my drives of motivations. The motivation to keep going and growing. To still strive for the better me. Better performance; better insight, better understanding, better ways to encourage people around me.
I remember in the beginning of the year, I realized that I am walking into the unknowns. Well…, guess what? This is it. This is one of the unknowns. I had never been in this position before. God definitely challenges me thru all these; thru the event that I’m in, thru the people that are around me; and thru things that I never thought I would be doing. Thank God for everything and for always being with me.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
feel better
this week training had been going pretty ok. With all the busyness that I have at work, I thanked GOD that I can still be given the opportunity to do my training workout. altho, all of them during the week, I ended up doing it by myself, not with the team at all. rite now, I can only train with the team on the weekend, oh well….as much as I want to train with them, but time just not possible at all… the training workout that I did are mostly either in the early morning, or late at nite. And, as of now, I think so far so good. I am able to feel my improvement in some ways. for instance, last tuesday nite, on the swim workout, I actually felt faster that I was before and I was able to sustain the swim form and some of the swim speed in between sets with out much rest. then, yesterday on the run, I was also able to sustain the faster pace than I used to be last year.
and oh, btw, jst as a side note, yesterday was the first time I went home around 6-ish. guess what? I felt I went home early. it was the first time in a long time that when I went home from work, the sun was still quite shining; not much, but still, it’s just nice. as soon as I got home, I went for a run, since it was about high 40’s to low 50’s degrees fahrenheit. and, it was also the first time that I did my afternoon run that the sky was still lit up and I could still see clearly surrounding me with looking up to the sky and guess what? It was not dark. Oh yeach…..thank GOD….
and oh, btw, jst as a side note, yesterday was the first time I went home around 6-ish. guess what? I felt I went home early. it was the first time in a long time that when I went home from work, the sun was still quite shining; not much, but still, it’s just nice. as soon as I got home, I went for a run, since it was about high 40’s to low 50’s degrees fahrenheit. and, it was also the first time that I did my afternoon run that the sky was still lit up and I could still see clearly surrounding me with looking up to the sky and guess what? It was not dark. Oh yeach…..thank GOD….
Sunday, February 15, 2009
hard training
this past weekend, i had a hard training with the team. well, at least, it was the hardest ever yet for this year/season. I had to do the brick training. basically, it’s bike/run training. so, here is how it goes; first, I started with bike for about an hour, then a run for 15min, and then repeat that again. And, in closing, I biked again for about an hour. I guess the reason that being hard is because it was the first time for this year that I had to do that, and plus it was done is cold winter. Not bitter cold tho, thank God. also, having a host that allowed the team to do the train in the garage does help a lot. thanx, host.
The other part being that as hard is that the weekend was a valentine’s day weekend, oh my goodness. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have better things to do in the morning rather than the training, but oh well….u gotta do what u gotta do…
In addition to all that one day training, the next day, I still have to do the run workout, which consisted of hill zipper workout. Oh my goodness…..people could definitely think that I’m indeed kind of out of my mind. I was already kind of tired from the workout the day before, so at the run workout, which I was supposed to do hillz zipper workout; I could only do once. I was out of ‘gas’. Even after the workout, I felt quite bad that as soon as I got home, I took a shower and I took two naps. Yes, two naps. I woke up in between just to take tylenol.
altho all in all, I think it was a ‘good’ workout. And for now, let’s just leave it at that. don’t want to say anything more than that, because if I kept on thinking about it, I could be saying all the negative things about that training. oh well…………
The other part being that as hard is that the weekend was a valentine’s day weekend, oh my goodness. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have better things to do in the morning rather than the training, but oh well….u gotta do what u gotta do…
In addition to all that one day training, the next day, I still have to do the run workout, which consisted of hill zipper workout. Oh my goodness…..people could definitely think that I’m indeed kind of out of my mind. I was already kind of tired from the workout the day before, so at the run workout, which I was supposed to do hillz zipper workout; I could only do once. I was out of ‘gas’. Even after the workout, I felt quite bad that as soon as I got home, I took a shower and I took two naps. Yes, two naps. I woke up in between just to take tylenol.
altho all in all, I think it was a ‘good’ workout. And for now, let’s just leave it at that. don’t want to say anything more than that, because if I kept on thinking about it, I could be saying all the negative things about that training. oh well…………
Friday, February 6, 2009
Ok, this morning, another of my friendz called me skinny. This is already the fifth time that somebody called me skinny. Wazzup with that? have I really become skinny. It used to be the word that I never thought people would call me. for the longest time people used to call me fatboy, even members of my family; that I have become accustomed to it that if my family called me by my actual name, that would sound really really weird. But, oh well….anyways, the truth is, yes, I did lose a few more lbs since a few months back. Was it something that planned? Don’t think so, then again, my training and my diet probably caused that. at the same time, one of my friendz gave an encouragement word. She was saying that looks like I’m really really bringing it on for this upcoming year. am i? probably. I wanted to do a better race compare to last year. how better? That is what I’m not sure.
In some ways, I do feel better in overall, in terms of running and swimming. can’t say much about the biking, since I had not biked on the road yet. training has been tweaked a little bit. I changed some training habits that I did in the past. And, I do feel good. So far, so good. We’ll see. With goals that I have for this year, some people said I’m quite optimistic, others think is possible, or maybe even manageable. One person think it’s exciting, which for me, I think it is. I am indeed very very exciting for this year. not just in terms of racing performance, but also other stuffs in life.
In some ways, I do feel better in overall, in terms of running and swimming. can’t say much about the biking, since I had not biked on the road yet. training has been tweaked a little bit. I changed some training habits that I did in the past. And, I do feel good. So far, so good. We’ll see. With goals that I have for this year, some people said I’m quite optimistic, others think is possible, or maybe even manageable. One person think it’s exciting, which for me, I think it is. I am indeed very very exciting for this year. not just in terms of racing performance, but also other stuffs in life.
moonlit run
last nite I did my usual nite run. It was pretty cold. But it’s a good thing I do have the gears for it. I think the temperature was around 19s fahrenheit. Not too bad, quite bearable. Some spots on the road were still filled with slick ice patch, but at most of it, I could already see the bare asphalt.
something different about the run last nite. After a while, I never really thought about this, but surprisingly there was a bright moon lite last nite. I was not running in the dark last nite. I can actually look at the roads pretty clearly and the one thing that I like the most; I can see my shadow on the ground during my run last nite. That was really great. never had that happened before to me during a nite run. Usually, I’ll be looking for light post, street light and nearby house light for my nite run, but last nite, no, don’t need to.
Things and times like that made me realize about the things that I have surroundings me that sometimes I take it for granted. But then, u realized it while u’r in the midst of ‘dark’. The moonlit that was shine with the help of the sun made me realized that GOD is always there with us wherever we are and whatever it is that we are doing. He is always there to watch over u, to shine on u and for u. to give lamp to ur feet and the light unto ur path. Just like this verse -> Ps 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
something different about the run last nite. After a while, I never really thought about this, but surprisingly there was a bright moon lite last nite. I was not running in the dark last nite. I can actually look at the roads pretty clearly and the one thing that I like the most; I can see my shadow on the ground during my run last nite. That was really great. never had that happened before to me during a nite run. Usually, I’ll be looking for light post, street light and nearby house light for my nite run, but last nite, no, don’t need to.
Things and times like that made me realize about the things that I have surroundings me that sometimes I take it for granted. But then, u realized it while u’r in the midst of ‘dark’. The moonlit that was shine with the help of the sun made me realized that GOD is always there with us wherever we are and whatever it is that we are doing. He is always there to watch over u, to shine on u and for u. to give lamp to ur feet and the light unto ur path. Just like this verse -> Ps 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
2009 words
these are the words that i found in the beginning of 2009 that i felt really really hit me. really really give me a revelation for this year. this one, i heard it about a couple of weeks ago and i think this applies to me in so many ways. for training, for races, for work, and for everyday life in general.
faith is trust in Christ sufficient to provoke obedience to Christ and to receive benefits
what does having faith do?
faith battles temptation
faith is trust in Christ sufficient to provoke obedience to Christ and to receive benefits
what does having faith do?
faith battles temptation
Thursday, January 8, 2009
dawn run…
yesterday i was deciding whether i wanted to run after work or not. i wasn’t so sure. then, as i got home, the wind and snow picked up, so i decided to just run the next day. i had thought about running in the morning, since I was planning to have a meeting in the afternoon. then, the next morning, not sure why and how, i was awake at 4am. cannot believe it and yet, cannot get back to sleep; so, i looked out the window. still dark, saw a little drifting snow with no wind, no cars passing by, check my iphone for temperature and it showed 26 degree fahrenheit.
i decided to run.
man….., was i wrong? it was indeed cold, and the effect of the wind that i didn’t hear and/or see started to pick up and i can definitely feel it going to certain direction. So i thought, oh well….i’m out already….
surprisingly, the roads were not too bad; yes, there were a couple of slick spots, but i was able to run smoothly as normal. even, at some point, i was able to pick up my speed, especially when there was car passing by. i was pretty sure everybody that was in the car driving pass me, thought, ‘…this guy must be crazy…’ oh well… i ended up running for a little over an hour. good workout and ready to head out to work and meetings…
i decided to run.
man….., was i wrong? it was indeed cold, and the effect of the wind that i didn’t hear and/or see started to pick up and i can definitely feel it going to certain direction. So i thought, oh well….i’m out already….
surprisingly, the roads were not too bad; yes, there were a couple of slick spots, but i was able to run smoothly as normal. even, at some point, i was able to pick up my speed, especially when there was car passing by. i was pretty sure everybody that was in the car driving pass me, thought, ‘…this guy must be crazy…’ oh well… i ended up running for a little over an hour. good workout and ready to head out to work and meetings…
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
1st training day 1, 2009
happy new year, today marks the first day I blog on the training blog for 2009. yesterday, I started my official training for the season. boy…, was that an awakening…?! the training day that I thought was going to be an easy day of training tuned into a definite work load training. it started with the 10mile bike test on the computrainer, which i guess i kind of voluntarily do. it was pretty hard; considering i had to reach certain heart rate and certain cadence. then, i had to maintain that for a period of time. in comparison to my other teammates that was in the gym, their workout is definitely lighter than mine. then again, i guess i kind of ‘paying’ for what i did and did not do during the first 3-4 workout days with the team.
it was pretty nice to be back training with teammates. see a couple of new faces and of course, old faces always there. this year’s team is definitely different. a lot of new people. a lot of unknown. in a way, i really think it’s great. i, personally, definitely excited for this season. a couple of new goals. opportunities to train with pretty much a totally different group of people.
unknown?! for me, somehow this year had started with that. quite a few things that i am unknown. it’s not that i don’t know what to do, or what i want to do, but maybe it’s just the result. then again, in a way, i actually feel this year, GOD definitely wants to teach me something new in relation to the realm of the unknown. on the other hand, i also felt that GOD wants me to fully committed to HIM. to believe and trust HIM even more, to really really walk by faith in HIM and with HIM. hm….interesting…..i just now thought about that…
the bike training was followed by swim training. i wasn’t so sure why i swam yesterday, but somehow, i just felt i didn’t want to fall behind too far from my teammates, that i decided to do some cool down swimming. i did about 40min of swim. not too bad. i always enjoy swimming. it is one of the reasons i’m doing tri. saw a couple of my teammates in the pool and i was able to do some drills.
The first day ended with a bowl of pasta and rest.
After having been talked to a couple of my teammates, here are the list of camps and races that as of now i’ll be doing;
columbus camp
portsmouth camp
cap city half
others are still being decided…
it was pretty nice to be back training with teammates. see a couple of new faces and of course, old faces always there. this year’s team is definitely different. a lot of new people. a lot of unknown. in a way, i really think it’s great. i, personally, definitely excited for this season. a couple of new goals. opportunities to train with pretty much a totally different group of people.
unknown?! for me, somehow this year had started with that. quite a few things that i am unknown. it’s not that i don’t know what to do, or what i want to do, but maybe it’s just the result. then again, in a way, i actually feel this year, GOD definitely wants to teach me something new in relation to the realm of the unknown. on the other hand, i also felt that GOD wants me to fully committed to HIM. to believe and trust HIM even more, to really really walk by faith in HIM and with HIM. hm….interesting…..i just now thought about that…
the bike training was followed by swim training. i wasn’t so sure why i swam yesterday, but somehow, i just felt i didn’t want to fall behind too far from my teammates, that i decided to do some cool down swimming. i did about 40min of swim. not too bad. i always enjoy swimming. it is one of the reasons i’m doing tri. saw a couple of my teammates in the pool and i was able to do some drills.
The first day ended with a bowl of pasta and rest.
After having been talked to a couple of my teammates, here are the list of camps and races that as of now i’ll be doing;
columbus camp
portsmouth camp
cap city half
others are still being decided…
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