Friday, December 31, 2010

quick note for end of year and beginning of new year.....

a very very nice 2010. a year of many first time for me. 1st time iron-distance race finisher. 1st time coaches' award winner. that 1 was special; especially getting recognition among peers and teammates of the team HPR. in addition, having been 1 of the only foreigner on the team. thanx God, team and coach. other things that i had done; help and/or support people in many different capacities, whether it's thru material, spiritual, physical, mental, and mind. whether it's thru races, opinions, discussions, charities, etc.
out of all the things that i had planned for the year 2010. i know there are many that i was able to achieve, but yet, there were also things that i did, but did not achieve the goal. pessimistic, no way....always think things in a positive way. the cup is always half full. besides, i always thought things that i was not able to achieve were things that GOD have not granted me to have. there is a reason for everything that happened. and yet again, this new year, 2011, i'v come up with kind of a motto.

' everything with a reason for a purpose...'

dreams for 2011?
so many of them. maybe even more than 2010. and, somehow they are the things that i'm hunger for more. desire more than ever. really really something that i really really wanted to. hm...too optimistic? the same time, i do believe in GOD. i know i won't b able to achieve any of them without HIM on my side. without HIM ahead of me, since HE always prepare the way.
what am i going to do in 2011?
stay tuned.....but for now, sampai jumpa 2010.....歡迎 2011.....Gb...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


here we go...yeach...that's what i usually said every time i'm abt 2 start training and well...rite now i'm already on the 2nd month of training with the team for the 2011 season. man....even the year 2011 has not started yet, but then i am already on some build week on training. as much as the schedule said it should be on base, we had done quite a few hills run...wazzup with that?
having been in the team for abt 4-5years; still sometime i hd no idea what i'm doin'. race schedule is not set on stone yet, but so far i'd thought abt 1 70.3 and 1 140.6. yeach...some things that i thought i would take a break for the year, but yet, i still reeling abt it.
ppl would say hvn't u learned from last season's experience? i guess it's what i had learned from last year experience that made me want 2 do it even more.
it is indeed sometimes hard, especially living in these snowy region, but yet came from the most tropical part of the globe (by equator). training has been trying to dodge the cold. cold meaning with temperature in the teens of fahrenheit, which in the case of from where i came from means it is in negative degrees of centigrade. in addition to that, the slippery and sliding of trying to move around the snow. man.....i dfntly got to get away from here.
hard times like these are being added with the temptations of holiday treats. sweets, cookies, candy, chocolate, anything and everything that could dfntly ruined ur training, especially ur diet. as 1 of my teammates is trying to dodge that with kids, yeach....hv fun with that....
and so, here i am with the team training again for the season. trying to achieve something. some 'impossible' thing that ppl think it's dfntly out of my mind. i know quite a bit of my frenz thought i am losing my mind, then again, i always thanked GOD that HE provided me lots of support; not just from the teammates in the team, but also, a family that understand, and some frenz that do understand, especially the g/f that always supportive....Gb.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

some race pix

others can b found on my facebook page....hv fun....enjoy...


4 those that r interested, here's my stats from sunday:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

thank u list

jst wanted 2 give a big shout out 2 everyone that helped me achieve the dream of finishing an iron-distance race this year;
thank GOD 4 giving me the ability to do and finish the race; thanx 2 my family; mom, dad, sister and especially my bro, 4 doing and showing me what iron-distance race is all about; thanx 2 the g/f 4 putting up with me and everything else that u had done, i really really appreciated and feel that i am loved. thanx 2 the coaches (mike and mike) 4 coaching, criticizing, training, encouraging, pushing, pulling, and believing in me. thanx 2 all the teammates that helped thru out the training times from winter. thanx 2 mel 4 always being available and making ur place available. thanx 2 butter 4 sticking with me in training and race(s). thanx 2 nev 4 always encouraging me and making ur place also available along the long run. thanx 2 storrs and keller 4 encouraging me and making me learnt a lot from triple-t experience, including camping. thanx 2 the j's 4 believing in me and giving me lots n lots of tips 4 running. thanx 2 the twitter friends (dustin and troy) and teammates (brian) 4 always checking on me, cheering me, and encouraging me. thanx 2 bob and tim 4 always encouraging me. thanx 2 nancy and herb 4 ur encouragement along the way, whether it was on the bike, or on the run. thanx 2 jenn 4 making ur place available 4 swim. thanx 2 lisa 4 encouraging me. thanx 2 andy 4 making urself and the place up at the lake available. thanx 2 jeremy 4 always making any training session a fun time. thanx 2 kerry 4 always making me thinking abt beer, since u'r the queen of the beer mile. lol....hahhaha....and 2 all other teammates and friends that i did not mention, thanx 4 always encouraging me every time we met anywhere, God bless u all....


1st ever 140.6 journey of myself on foot

the day started with waking up quite early. i was awake around 1am, but then was able 2 get back to sleep until sometime close 2 4am. did my race routine; showers, coffee, breakfast, medication, drugs, and everything that i always used, put all the stuffs (special needs bags and other bags) that are needed for the race in the car. drove to the race site. got there around 5.30am, as planned.
as soon as i got there, ate a powerbar, got 2 the bike, placed all my nutrition on the bike and bags, then pump up the tires. took care the special needs bags, got numbered and weighted (185lbs). by this time it was already 6.15am. time 2 put on the wet suit and walk over to the beach for the swim start. as i walked, took a gel, chit chat with some other athletes and other ppl around. the water looked pretty calm, no wave visible and didn't feel any wind, or 2 much breeze. so, i said, '...nice, this is good...'. then they announced the race start would b delayed, since it was still pretty dark.
the wave started with all pro men, then pro women. as i waited 4 the start and talked 2 the g/f, i started to mapped out where i'm heading on the swim. the g/f asked abt my hr and i think it was in the 90's. i try 2 b as calm as possible, regardless of how daunting this thing is. man....what was i thinking and what did i sign up 4? oh well....2 late now....
as the siren went off, i started walking to the water, since the lake was pretty shallow until abt 25 yards in. then, i said 2 myself, ' we go...' as i started 2 swim, i felt pretty good and calm. trying 2 stay within the game plan, which was not to get caught up with the ppl around me. trying to find some empty space to swim to a point, but 2 no avail, it was a mass start, so....'good luck' finding empty space around. still....finish the 1st loop in about 40min. looked at my watch and i thought, '...great, rite on pace...' as i walked along the beach 2 start the 2nd loop, saw the g/f, hi-5, then back to swim again. as i got to the turn around of the 2nd loop, suddenly i felt like i was being thrown in different directions than where i was swimming, then i realized, '...omg, guess the wind decided 2 show up now...' at this point, i decided 2 find somebody that i can draft off 2 help me get back 2 shore, and i did. finished the swim in about 1:25, and again, i thought, '...great...'
rite on track. (thanx 2 mike, andy, jeremy, and butter)
get 2 transition, grabbed my bag, went 2 tent, ate, changed to bike gear, and oh btw, thanx 2 the volunteer that help peeled off my wetsuit, and prep 4 the long bike ride.
at this point, i jst lost track of how long i was in transition. got 2 my bike and started pedaling.
the bike started with clouds in the sky, no sun, with some wind, as expected. as early as possible, i was trying 2 find the pace that i wanted 2 b. got 2 abt mile 10, then i realized, '...omg., got 2 go..' so, i went 2 'relieve' myself. then, after feeling much better, and everything seems 2 go as planned with strategies, nutrition, pace, etc,until abt mile 50, then the wind decided 2 jst blow really really hard that the corn field looked swaying really bad. at this point, i was trying 2 find some 'breaks' along the road 4 tail wind, but 2 no avail, can't catch any. every turn and every road that i was in, there was either a head wind, or a side wind. after that, i realized my back started 2 ache, and then, apparently one side of my left cleats ran out, that resulted my left bike shoe 2 came off 2 easily, so i had 2 adjust the way i pedaled. along the way, saw the leading pro men went way ahead of the other pro men, since i did not see other pro after the first 4 abt 5-10min, a couple of ppl passed me and passed a couple of ppl. trying to manage things (the hillz, which not that bad - thank GOD; the pain; nutrition, drinks, etc)
as i got 2 mile 50, got my special needs stuffs and take in some additional nutrition with me. felt a little better after that, but yet, the wind jst didn't want to stop, oh well.....but then, at around mile 75, i saw this one noisy car with cow bells sound, then i realized it was my teammates (mike, jeremy, and butter). '...omg, that was really really helpful...' that really made my day on the bike. it cheered me up. lift my spirit and try 2 remember the magic bike word, '...pedal, pedal, pedal....' so i kept on pedaling.
they basically followed me around the bike course, stopped at certain turn, banging the cow bells and cheering me.
after a long while trying to find mile 100, i finally got 2 it and realized that i got 2 prep 4 the run. started taking in some of the nutrition as planned 4 ahead. then, finally, as i saw some of the cedar point rides from afar, i started to feel a little bit better. by this time, it was abt 3pm, i think?!
got back 2 transition and check out my bike time, as i thought it was abt 7hrs. saw the g/f, said hi, got my bag, went 2 the tent; changed, ate, drink, apply some sunscreen, changed shoes; and again, lost track of my time in transition, oh well...
got out of transition, saw the g/f again, since she was volunteering and said 2 her, '...c u in a couple of hours...'
the run started good. trying 2 stay within the planned pace and not walked. saw the teammates again as i got out of the causeway off the park. but, as i got 2 mile 3, my stomach felt like it cannot take anything in. a little hard 2 breathe. drank a little water, but still jst not feeling good. that got me walking 4 abt 1/4 of a mile, but yet, still i tried 2 b in running motion as much as i could. then, i saw the teammates again. at this point, i felt really really sucked; cried a bit; felt like i can't go; felt like i was failing, felt like i was abt 2 give up, but i knew in my mind, i would not quit. mike came up 2 me and started walking with me and asking me questions, but still, i jst felt really really sucked. but, thank GOD 4 teammates and encouragement, i was able to revved up some energy and power to run again. much slower off course. as i got 2 mile 8/9, i started 2 remember tim's suggestions (run/walk) from gct (thanx, tim) until i got back 2 the park again 4 my special needs bag b4 the start the 2nd loop of the run. at the special needs area, i changed my shirt, since i knew i was going 2 b out in the dark and it would get cooler without the sun. at this point, it was abt 7/8pm. ate some chips (thanx, geri), stuffs, drugs and everything that i left on the special needs bags. walked along the transition with the g/f until abt the area that she cannot get 2. and then, suddenly after all that, i jst felt much better, heck, even great and knew that i can dfntly finish this with running, not walking. so, i ran until i saw the teammates again along downtown sandusky with their cow bells, music, camera, cheered, hi-5s and everything else. at this point, i realized i can dfntly get back 2 the planned strategies 2 tackle this and again, the teammates were following me at every mile of the run until abt mile 24. at this point, it was dark, proly abt 9/10pm. then, finally, until mike said, ', damnit...' so, i said 2 myself, ', damnit....' so i ran all the way to the inside of cedar point park and there it is, the finish line with jumbotron with my pix on it, bright lites, and the loud cheering from everyone around, the teammates, the g/f, and the loud announcer.
as i crossed the finished line, i lifted up the banner, kneel down to kiss the finish line, and the announcer yelled, '...hansen, u r the revolution...'
looked at my watch, it was abt 6hrs marathon with total time of 14:57 for the first 140.6mile journey.
overall, it was as i expected; hard and enjoyable, and i was dfntly happy with the result, with the things that i did and wanted 2 do.
all in all, thank GOD 4 everything (mind, abilities, physicality, heart, passion, body, legs, hands, feet, focus) and everybody (parent, brother, sister, g/f, coaches, teammates - past and present, friends) that enable me 2 do this.
to u all, God bless.....

Saturday, September 11, 2010


thank u 2 all the people that have been supporting me thru out until today. thank u, God, thank u 4 family, my mom, my dad, my brother, and my sister. thank u 2 all my coaches (mike and mike) and teammates in human powered racing; past, present, future. thank u 2 all my frenz (close, not 2 close, far, and not 2 far) from churches, small groups and everyone that have believed in me, that had looked up to me, and even that had looked down on me. thank u 4 everything that each and everyones of u had taught me, shared 2 me and had allowed me to teach and to share. and especially my g/f. thnax 4 always continuing pushing me.
this has dfintly been a long journey. a long pathway that got me to somewhere that i never thought i would be. and there'll b more pathway coming up. this is just one of them.......
thank U, GOD.....


iron distance race, here...we...go....

Thursday, September 9, 2010


as the days approaching to my main race, rite now, i'm pretty close to the race site. stayin' at one of my friends/teammates' parent's place, which is really really great. dfinitely not too far from the race site. got settle in since yesterday. got a chance to do some running and riding around the area to get myself acclimatize.
so far, the area is nice, the place is great; can't complaint, considering no charge. this place dfinitely beats anything. i wonder, why can't we hv a training camp here then?
oh well....
i proly don't need to be here since yesterday, but then again, i'm staying at someone's else's place, therefore gotta to respect their time.
tomorrow, i will b around the race site for quite some time. it would dfinitely b time to b thinking more and more abt the race.
got some pix around the area, jst couldn't load it yet, soon....
jst wanted to give a big shout out to quite abit of my friends and teammates for training with me; pushing me; pulling me; taking care of me; encouraging me; even tho sometimes i don't really show too much appreciation, but yet again, and again i really really do appreciate all of that.
thanx for the support.
will continue on more tomorrow, especially after getting to the race site.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

ave stats

in average so far my training had been about


thanx for the garmin that i got from my friend for b'day...

interesting average stats for an average person, what u think?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the quest for 1st ever iron-distance race

omg, what hd i signed up 4?

jst a tip and reminder, do not do two iron-distance race per year, unless u'r a pro...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ttt - sunday - mad adventure

the day started cold. as i wake up in the campers with my teammates, we were all felt like it was an autumn morning. we started to kind of discussing whether we should wear arm warmer for the race.
i started to eat my regular race breakfast again; bagel with peanut butter, honey, and banana. at this point, coffee was not even entering my mind.
after getting all our stuff ready, we headed over to transition to set up our stuffs. within a couple of minutes, the race was about to start. obviously i was not too concerned, since it's a time trial start and my teammate and i have the last race number. we got ready with our wetsuit, since the water was cold. we started the swim pretty well. i was not trying to go very fast. drafted a couple of people that i can find in front of me until i couldn't see the 3rd buoy because of the sun. but then as we were about to start the 2nd lap of the swim, i heard somebody said that that 3rd buoy that i cannot see was moved. and, guess what? it was true; it got moved closer, so i thought, yeach, this is great....came out of the water at about the time that i wanted and felt pretty good, not too cold. then we got to transition to get ready for the bike.
the bike started good, no problem, since we did a training camp last april. so i kind of know what to expect, even tho i did not remember everything. all i can remember was hills, hills, and more hills, and seems like a never ending hills....we were able to execute our plan until we got to about the last 1/8 portion of the first loop, i went kind of fast, but not too fast, since i knew i was waiting for my teammate to come to my side every time we were on the down hill, or a decent fast flat. as i went ahead off my teammates, i knew there was one other guy that was drafting us, i was on the aero bar, but then there was no sign, or warning about certain decent size of potholes on the flat; i hit that pothole a little too fast, that made me was not able to make the turn ahead, therefore the front tire of my bike hit about a foot high of grassy area, and i went over the handle bar, and landed on another grassy area, roll over on my side a couple of times. at that moment, i could hear my teammate yelled,...s***....then after all that, i jst laid there for a minute, until my teammate came over to my side to check on me and we jst laughed. at that moment, i knew i was fine. i knew there was nothing broken on my body, and i did not feel any pain whatsoever. thank GOD for the protection.
the guy that was rite behind me checked on my bike and kind of help fixing it. first it was the little bent of the brake lever, which pretty easy to bent back. then, he started to play with my wheels, back and front. then he realized the break probably bent, so he took it off to see if it would work, but to no avail, it was more than that, it was the wheel that was bent.
after being 'patched' up (a little cut on the knee) a little bit by the EMT, i sat on the side of the road thinking about the most likely possibility for me to quit the race. i cried for a while on the side of the road just as i was thinking about quitting. but then, i started to check my bike in detail and found out it was the front wheel that was the major damage. it was bent. knowing that i was indeed all rite, nothing broken and no soreness whatsoever...thank GOD for that......i started talking to my teammate, matt, about the strategy that we were going to do with certain possibility that we could have. at the end of discussion, we decided if we can have somebody lent me a front wheel, we would go on and finish the race. at this time, i did not know there was a cut off time for the course, so i waited until the support vehicle took us back to the transition area.

i hate quitting; out of all the things that i had learned from triathlon, the number 1 thing that i told myself to never do in life is to never quit. i would only stop racing if i truly cannot go on, or the race course is close, or until the race director told me i cannot race anymore.

as soon as i got to transition, i saw an old friend, bob. i asked him for help to kind of fix my bent wheel. at this point, i wasn't thinking about finishing the race until bob asked me whether i wanted to continue on, or not. off course, i answered yes, then he jst took off his aero front wheel from his bike and put it on mine. i asked him to help me put the front brakes back, but he said there was no time. at this time, i jst suddenly felt there is hope. i have a chance; i have a window of opportunity. and off course, i was not going to let that get away. seize the moment. and then, obviously, matt and me went out for the 2nd loop of the bike with about 3 min left to the bike cut off before you can no longer go on for the 2nd lap.
at the start of the 2nd lap, i started thinking about the answer that i gave bob. was that really me talking, or was it the adrenaline? a this time, i started to doubt about my decision; started to think maybe i should jst go back and quit. but then, i realized and remember abt my decision to never quit a race. that definitely got my spirit back up to really really want to finish the race.
as we got closer to the end of the 2nd loop of the bike, we found out matt have some problem on his seat on the bike. we stopped to kind of tried to do something abt it, but to no avail, nothing we can do abt it. i could see his seat was wobbly, but yet, he didn't complaint, and we kept on riding; even tho i tried to offer a co2 to spray the area where his body sat on the seat, but oh well....after abt more than 2hrs on the 2nd lap of the bike, we got back to the transition, and i thanked bob for the help and tell me and matt to go and get out for the run and shanon, the race director told us that the run course still open, therefore we kept on going. we started with walking a little, but then i thought to myself;...gotta try to we ran. along the way, we finally saw out other teammates (storrs and keller) on run course as they were finishing the 2nd loop of the run. at this time, i jst thought to myself, oh my goodness, we are going to finish the last one of the race. but guess what? at the end, i kept trying to run and walk with matt. trying to fight the hills, the bugs, the flies, the horrible taste of heed, the sun, the heat, and all the other stuffs along the course, we actually did not finish last. thank GOD for that.....
along the way on the run, i saw a couple of people that we saw on the bike course and for the whole the weekend, chatted a bit, giving encouragement to each other, i actually felt that i was used by GOD to give inspiration to some of the people on the course. to give encouragement to anyone that see and know what had happened to me earlier on that day on the bike course, i still raced and finished it.
thank you GOD for all the abilities, the health, the strength, the spirit, the encouragement, the angels, and the protection that U had given me to be able to do all these. thank GOD for team and teammates (matt butterworth, for the most helpful encouragement along the race; matt storrs and rebekkah keller for the first ever very fun camping experience in my life, and also for your encouragement as we pass along on the course; mike brewer, the coach, for visiting us in times of muddiness with the 'care' package, encouragement, help, guide, and pix; all other teammates' encouragement thru e-mail and facebook). thank GOD for the person that always prays with me and for me.

Friday, May 14, 2010

gct 2010

'...the world ain't all sunshine and ain't abt how hard u hit, it's abt how hard u can get hit and keep moving's abt how much u can take and keep moving forward...but u gotta b willing to take the hit...' - rocky thru mike neill

it all started from the nite before.
after the dinner that I had with the team and the rest of the participants, I went back to the place we stayed and kind of wind down. relax. as far as I can remember, I don’t think I ate anything anymore once I got back to my room. therefore, I took my sleeping med, as always, at the nite before the race, jst to keep my mind off the race and rest.
in the morning, I was up at around 4am. Took a shower, get the coffee ready for the cabinmates; ate some bagel with peanut butter and banana. Then I went down to be taped for the back problem that I had. afterwards, I went back up to my room to get ready to head to the transition area to set my stuffs ready for the race.
Set my transition properly as I planned. Helmet, glasses, gels, bars, shoes, shocks, powder, magic pill, drinks, check tire, inflate properly, talked a bit with teammates and other participants around the area. Then head back up to my room to get ready.
At around 6.15am, I decided to go down to the start line to kind of get my mind to the race and put on my wetsuit.
after having said wish my teammates for a great race, i waited for the horn for my wave to start. as the horn sound, i started the way i wanted to. went to the ocean with confident that i had trained for this. at first, well....didn't realize i was off the beaten path of the swim course, so try to focus, get back to the course and made it to the turn around with a little trouble. as though as the waves and current in the gulf (thank GOD for no oil, btw), i felt i was able to swim on my rhythm. swim the way i wanted. as i was getting back to the shore, i felt the current is moving sideways, therefore i decided to take advantage by swimming a little sideways so that i can catch the push from behind; and it did work. as i came out of the water and check on my watch, i realized i was faster than last year, thank GOD and thanx to all the friends that was along the swim course to cheer me on....
as i got to the transition to get ready for the bike, i started to feel a little pain on my back, especially as i was trying to peel off my wetsuit. i took a bite of the powerbar that i prepared for the bike. took a couple of sip of drinks and off to the bike course. as i looked along the bike course, saw quite a bit of my teammates. tried to cheer them on as they cheered me on. as i saw my teammates, i tried to catch them and tried to calculate how far behind and ahead me from them. the bike went according to plan, i threw the bottle that i wanted to throw and grab the nutrition that i wanted and needed along the way (gatorade endurance, waters, gels, and bars). until this time, the day was still overcast, no sun yet. so, i thought ok let's get this on and get this over with. as i get close back to the transition, i started to feel a little more pain than earlier, but yet i realized it is still manageable.
as i got to the transition and off the bike, i definitely feel the pain on my back, but yet with the help of the cheering of my friends, it was dfntly bearable.
in transition, i sit down to get ready for the run. as soon as i stand up to go running, i really feel the pain, but yet i know this pain will definitely go away as soon as i could run smoothly. i took one magic pill and saw a couple of my teammates pass me asking me how i was doin'. after i pass the first mile marker, just as the sun finally decided to showed up, my run felt ok. i felt i was running the way i wanted. other teammates were passing me and i took my time to get myself together and started to see other teammates that went back to finish the run.
as i was about mile 11, i started to feel a little weird. i know my body temp was warm, but yet i had a chill. not sure what it was, i started to walk and then i realized, i guess i had a mild heat stroke. i tried to brush that aside with another magic pill, gel, some gatorade and water. at this point, i realized i was missing my targeted finish time. disappointed? absolutely. i got 'hit'.
as i got to about half a mile from the finish line, i decided that this was the time make up some time, rather than having a miserable finish time (for me at least). so, i ran with whatever left i had in me to the finish line with seeing mike neill and my other teammates and friends by the finish line.
as i was finishing, i thank GOD for always being with me, giving the opportunity, help, and ability to be able to do this.
thank you also to all my cabinmates, teammates, and coaches in human powered racing for always giving me advise and encouragement along the way. God bless....

first tri of the year

yeach, one first tri race of the year and another gct race in the book. not too happy with the result, but what can u say....
this is why it is so hard to be always good year in and year out. it is really really hard to move from glory to glory. it is always ez to say it, but it is indeed hard to do it, as i find out abt it quite the hard way.
but i'm pretty console, i think....
so much and so many things went thru my mind before, during, and after the race, and yet, i know i will never quit and i will finish, and i did, even tho the result is sometimes not what u wished for. but yet, thank GOD for always taking care of me.


'...and then the day came when the risk to remain tight in abud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom...' - anais nin

'...what make one cyclist (athlete) better than the other is the ability to suffer; that's the x factor...' - david millar

Friday, February 12, 2010


success is the promise for those who stand true to their ideas

i got that quote from a preaching of a pastor in the church. in many ways, it is related with so many things in my life. it related with work, with training, with races, with relationship, with friendship, etc.
as for training, i had gone thru quite a bit with the team. training had been good, but yet, sometimes, i am still not sure in terms of my rest time. i felt that it had not been optimal. then again, if u work about 14 days straight including weekends with all the training that i was doing, not sure how i would manage my rest anyways......but thank GOD for always reminding me of HIM. for keeping me grounded, for always and constantly letting me know that HE is indeed in control.
during that time, i also did not got a chance to see my close friend. Or, even for that matter, not much of hangin' out with friends.
as for the actual training part, it had been going pretty well surprisingly. it already started to feel like spring and already, i had a chance to bike on the road a couple of times. i felt stronger and faster in all three discipline, but now, here comes the part that always makes me wonder; how well would i b during the actual race?
that is always the big question.
i always have ideas to be able to perform well during races. beating certain time limit, beating certain people, be at certain position in age group, and all that. but am i really going 2 b able to do that? and that seems to always be the measurement that i used to see whether i was successful or not in certain time and/or situation.
jst like the quote above. it is indeed the promise to those that stay true to their own ideas. as much training as i had done, it is probably the only thing that i can stay true to in order for me to be able to be success in races.
as i embark on the journey to do my very first iron-distance race. it always feels scary to even try to think abt it. then again, for now, i can only stay true to my training and we'll see what happen in the fall.
God bless....

Friday, February 5, 2010


why in the world do we have this many focus training? ironman, oh yeach....i'm doing a full-ironman distance. yeach.....the tri training had gone on 2 different focus training. i was done with the run focus training and i thought it was pretty good and succesful, then it was the swim focus, which was alwmost done. and now, it is abt to move on to the bike focus. weather, so far hadot been very helpful in terms of doing training outside. it's been cold, snowy, and even temperature in the rigid teens, and sometimes even lower in the single digit.
what had i learn so far?
keeping the blood flow in your body throughout by increasing heart rate. especially on the bike, i guess i had not been doing hard training on the bike. then again, the bike focus is not here yet either.
the beard that i had grown so far, had definitely slow me down in the pool. so, racing with beard is definitely not for me. yes, i had grown some beard for a couple of weeks. not sure why. i think it started jst as a trial to following the trend in the office and some of my teammate, to finally, i actually felt the drag in the water while i was swimming. it felty like i needed extra effort in doing the stroke in the water that i actually was even much more tired after the swim than b4. then again, could it be caused by the amount of time i used throughout the day and nite for work, training and other stuffs that i had not take the time to actually really really rest?
we'll see.
today, i was able to take the time to get away from everything. from work, training, everything to actually just rest, relax. don't think i had this kind of time since the beginning of the year.

Monday, January 11, 2010

ultra 50k we go, first big event of the year....organized by the team, well, more by teammates......thanx butter, mike, and erin.....the event consist of 10mile run, then 35min bike on the trainer, another 10mile run, another 35min bike and then another 10mile run.
as always for me, i didn't sleep well enough the nite before. not sure whether i was jst excited, or what; something to solve b4 the ironman race....
i woke up around 4.30am, got ready and head over to the 'gym'. got there and got things ready, especially the bike. try to relax a bit. talked with some teammates, ppl, and brothers that i hd not seen for a while...
i started running with the first group jst b4 7am. a bit dark, cold, temp was @the 20s, but not too bad. i ran with mike, dan, nev, and nancy....thanx group.......stop by around mile5, by nev's place. first loop done, it was fine, even tho there were some areas with smooth pavement and others with bunches of snow all over the place that made it hard to plant the feet. got back to the transition in abt 1hr46min. and, i thought to myself, nice, good pace. then, i got ready for the bike. rika put down my starting time on the board to mark the start and end of the first bike leg....thanx rika.....along the bike, i ate powerbar, banana, took my energy drink, and some gel. tlaked some other teammates that i had not talked beforehand. then i got ready for the second loop of the run. i used abt the same wardrobe as i used for the first loop. not sure whether it was a good idea, or not. i waited a bit for some teammates, since we were to run in 'buddy' system, which i thought it was a great idea, and it was....
on the second loop, i started running with mike and j. this time, we stopped in nev's place........thanx nev........i hd 2 'go' and i thought it was a good time to fuel up a bit. then, as we got to around mile7/8, when jeremy pull up with the car.....thanx jeremy.......i started to pull back, not sure whether i was not able to keep going, or i was jst feeling the cold and tiredness, but then from my last experience of marathon that i did before, this was abt the time where i usually slow down. then again, i just realized, maybe i shld'v change my clothes, oh well.....too late now....
i got back to the transition in abt 1hr51min. 6min slower, so i thought to myself...all far so good....then off to the second leg of the bike. this time, rebekkah put my time on and off the bike on the board.....thanx i pedaled for the second 35min, i pondered to myself....i would like to do the third loop, but not sure whether i could. a couple of my teammates encouraged me....thanx bob and decided to go for the third loop. this time, i changed all my clothing to dry ones.
by this time, there were five of us left to do the third loop. well.....basically, i jst realized i went from 3? to let's go....i started with mike, j, erin and butter.....we were accompanied by stephan....
in the beginning, i already pulling back. i really really did not want to go as fast as my teammates on this third loop, but then, mike started to run with me and paced me. at that time, i knew i hd 2 push myself. then again, it was good tho. if it weren't for running with him, i would b in the way back and well.....u never know, i could quit.....but i didn't.....i started talking with mike abt what's up with my body during that run. i told him i hd a knee pain, so he gv the little pink pill.....not sure what it was, then again, i took them and mike was telling me to shortcut the course, then i went to nev's place again........thanx again, nev........and again i had to 'go'. as soon as i got out of nev's place, i felt so good that i missed the turn on the that time, i realized and decided that i was going to finish this third loop without shortcutting the course. as i got close to mile4, rebekkah and rika came by in a car to check on the runners.........thanx, rika and rebekkah........4 the encouragement along the way.........that was really really helpful......
as i got closer to mile 5, not sure where he came from, mike caught up to, we started to run together for the next 3miles until he gave me another little pink pill......then i ran along all the way back to the 'gym' some teammates ware waiting.......thanx, kerry, storrs, rebekkah,, and rika......and this time, the time was 1hr54min.....and i thought to myself......what was i thinking of doing the third loop....? oh well...... was a great experience. this event actually taught me to push myself even more. it helped me to understand my limit even more. it made me to know and understand what i shld/shld not do in certain circumstances. it made me realized more abt myself......all in all.....for me, in my opinion, it was a success.....not jst success for me, but for the event, the organizers, the coaches (thanx mike and j), the training plan (thanx j) that lead to this event, the support, the course, everything......from beginning to the end......thank u all of my teammates in humanpoweredracing that made this a great experience.......God bless......all......

Saturday, January 2, 2010

quotes for the year....for least...

here are some quotes that i found from the book i read. i think i'll b using these quotes for my mental preparation thruout the year....

no food without blood and sweat

in winter, the lazy man freezes to death

if a man works hard, the land will not be lazy

no one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich

yeach, 2010....

well, happy new year everyone, here we are in 2010.
this morning, me and a couple teamates had some morning bike/run training session to kick off the new year. it was great. especially, being able to c the teamates that are committed to the team and the training. that was nice. being able to c them; trainin', jokin' around, n havin' a good time. for some, it seemed it was jst a beginning for them, for others, it was adjustment; but for me, it was proly the in between time. not really in between beginning and the middle, but it was more of in between excited and a little not sure. the team will b doin' another event next week, and yes, off course, i will dfntly take part. this will b the 2nd event in the season that we as a team are doing something and i'll b takin' part.
i will b participating in the 1st ever hpr team ultra event. what is it really? it will b a run/bike event as a conclusion of the run base training that had been done. it consist of 10-mile run, 40-min bike, 10-mile run, 40-min bike, yes, u read it rite; it is repeated, then as for me, i could b doin' another 10-mile run, after all that.
so, this morning training session was a preview and discussion of things that we shld plan for next week.
after hearing the discussion n thinking abt what i had done, that is why i felt i am in between. not too worry, jst anxious, excited, n a little scared. oh well....then again, i really think it will b good 4 me, especially relating to the goal that i have of what i wanted to achieve in 2010. all rite, i'll stop talkin' now, i'll dfntly talk abt the race l8r on. God bless....