Thursday, February 26, 2009

feel better

this week training had been going pretty ok. With all the busyness that I have at work, I thanked GOD that I can still be given the opportunity to do my training workout. altho, all of them during the week, I ended up doing it by myself, not with the team at all. rite now, I can only train with the team on the weekend, oh well….as much as I want to train with them, but time just not possible at all… the training workout that I did are mostly either in the early morning, or late at nite. And, as of now, I think so far so good. I am able to feel my improvement in some ways. for instance, last tuesday nite, on the swim workout, I actually felt faster that I was before and I was able to sustain the swim form and some of the swim speed in between sets with out much rest. then, yesterday on the run, I was also able to sustain the faster pace than I used to be last year.
and oh, btw, jst as a side note, yesterday was the first time I went home around 6-ish. guess what? I felt I went home early. it was the first time in a long time that when I went home from work, the sun was still quite shining; not much, but still, it’s just nice. as soon as I got home, I went for a run, since it was about high 40’s to low 50’s degrees fahrenheit. and, it was also the first time that I did my afternoon run that the sky was still lit up and I could still see clearly surrounding me with looking up to the sky and guess what? It was not dark. Oh yeach…..thank GOD….

Sunday, February 15, 2009

hard training

this past weekend, i had a hard training with the team. well, at least, it was the hardest ever yet for this year/season. I had to do the brick training. basically, it’s bike/run training. so, here is how it goes; first, I started with bike for about an hour, then a run for 15min, and then repeat that again. And, in closing, I biked again for about an hour. I guess the reason that being hard is because it was the first time for this year that I had to do that, and plus it was done is cold winter. Not bitter cold tho, thank God. also, having a host that allowed the team to do the train in the garage does help a lot. thanx, host.
The other part being that as hard is that the weekend was a valentine’s day weekend, oh my goodness. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have better things to do in the morning rather than the training, but oh well….u gotta do what u gotta do…
In addition to all that one day training, the next day, I still have to do the run workout, which consisted of hill zipper workout. Oh my goodness…..people could definitely think that I’m indeed kind of out of my mind. I was already kind of tired from the workout the day before, so at the run workout, which I was supposed to do hillz zipper workout; I could only do once. I was out of ‘gas’. Even after the workout, I felt quite bad that as soon as I got home, I took a shower and I took two naps. Yes, two naps. I woke up in between just to take tylenol.
altho all in all, I think it was a ‘good’ workout. And for now, let’s just leave it at that. don’t want to say anything more than that, because if I kept on thinking about it, I could be saying all the negative things about that training. oh well…………

Friday, February 6, 2009


Ok, this morning, another of my friendz called me skinny. This is already the fifth time that somebody called me skinny. Wazzup with that? have I really become skinny. It used to be the word that I never thought people would call me. for the longest time people used to call me fatboy, even members of my family; that I have become accustomed to it that if my family called me by my actual name, that would sound really really weird. But, oh well….anyways, the truth is, yes, I did lose a few more lbs since a few months back. Was it something that planned? Don’t think so, then again, my training and my diet probably caused that. at the same time, one of my friendz gave an encouragement word. She was saying that looks like I’m really really bringing it on for this upcoming year. am i? probably. I wanted to do a better race compare to last year. how better? That is what I’m not sure.
In some ways, I do feel better in overall, in terms of running and swimming. can’t say much about the biking, since I had not biked on the road yet. training has been tweaked a little bit. I changed some training habits that I did in the past. And, I do feel good. So far, so good. We’ll see. With goals that I have for this year, some people said I’m quite optimistic, others think is possible, or maybe even manageable. One person think it’s exciting, which for me, I think it is. I am indeed very very exciting for this year. not just in terms of racing performance, but also other stuffs in life.

moonlit run

last nite I did my usual nite run. It was pretty cold. But it’s a good thing I do have the gears for it. I think the temperature was around 19s fahrenheit. Not too bad, quite bearable. Some spots on the road were still filled with slick ice patch, but at most of it, I could already see the bare asphalt.
something different about the run last nite. After a while, I never really thought about this, but surprisingly there was a bright moon lite last nite. I was not running in the dark last nite. I can actually look at the roads pretty clearly and the one thing that I like the most; I can see my shadow on the ground during my run last nite. That was really great. never had that happened before to me during a nite run. Usually, I’ll be looking for light post, street light and nearby house light for my nite run, but last nite, no, don’t need to.
Things and times like that made me realize about the things that I have surroundings me that sometimes I take it for granted. But then, u realized it while u’r in the midst of ‘dark’. The moonlit that was shine with the help of the sun made me realized that GOD is always there with us wherever we are and whatever it is that we are doing. He is always there to watch over u, to shine on u and for u. to give lamp to ur feet and the light unto ur path. Just like this verse -> Ps 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.