Sunday, February 15, 2009

hard training

this past weekend, i had a hard training with the team. well, at least, it was the hardest ever yet for this year/season. I had to do the brick training. basically, it’s bike/run training. so, here is how it goes; first, I started with bike for about an hour, then a run for 15min, and then repeat that again. And, in closing, I biked again for about an hour. I guess the reason that being hard is because it was the first time for this year that I had to do that, and plus it was done is cold winter. Not bitter cold tho, thank God. also, having a host that allowed the team to do the train in the garage does help a lot. thanx, host.
The other part being that as hard is that the weekend was a valentine’s day weekend, oh my goodness. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have better things to do in the morning rather than the training, but oh well….u gotta do what u gotta do…
In addition to all that one day training, the next day, I still have to do the run workout, which consisted of hill zipper workout. Oh my goodness…..people could definitely think that I’m indeed kind of out of my mind. I was already kind of tired from the workout the day before, so at the run workout, which I was supposed to do hillz zipper workout; I could only do once. I was out of ‘gas’. Even after the workout, I felt quite bad that as soon as I got home, I took a shower and I took two naps. Yes, two naps. I woke up in between just to take tylenol.
altho all in all, I think it was a ‘good’ workout. And for now, let’s just leave it at that. don’t want to say anything more than that, because if I kept on thinking about it, I could be saying all the negative things about that training. oh well…………

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