Friday, May 8, 2009

days b4 race we go....1st tri race of the season, but first, let's talk about travel. nothing much of excitement. driving for about 14 hours definitely not as good as last year. then again, surprisingly, i actually felt we got to the race site faster than last year.
drove thru around the same area, which are ohio, kentucky, tennesee, alabama, and end in florida. travel weather was not too bad, altho there were some areas that we had to went thru a wild rainstorm. i drove about a couple hours of the portion. mostly during the hour when people do need to sleep, which is around midnite to around 3, or 4am.
we got in to destination around 8, or 9am. went for breakfast at the usual place. got the breakfast buffett; bacon, egg, apple sticks, grits, o j, coffee, etc. then, headed to the place to stay at the doorman's cottage.
nice, cozy place by the beachfront, looking to the beach on the back. i was trying to get some nap, but yet, probably it's me; it's just not me. can't sleep. did got some shut eye tho, but still, it's different.
to tell u the truth, i wanted to try the water at the gulf as soon as i got to the place but yet, we'll wait on the team.
after all that, we finally went to try water at the gulf. not too cold; actually pretty warm. got ready; put on the wetsuit; got into the water; well....guess what?
too hot; felt suffocating. went back to the shore, take the wetsuit out and tried again. felt better afterwards. but still, my h r went up to the roof.
many things came into my mind. not enough rest; wrong things to eat; not enough water to drink along the way of the travel.
then, we biked around the race course. felt a little better, especially after the powerbar bar and gel. got a chance to feel my leg got some work and some speed work too. then, we ran for about 20min. still afterwards, not feeling too good. then, oh we go again. am i feeling the same as lst year? what am i doing wrong? felt like my body system not working as i wanted to. don't like this feeling. starting to feel uncomfortable, doubts, past failures was back on the mind.
so, i started to calm myself down. relaxing myself a bit. a lot had happened in the last 24 hours and i had not had enough of things to feel better. not enough food, not enough drink, not enough rest, etc. this is the time when i really really need encouragement.
after all that, we rested; took a shower to freshen up; plan for dinner; went to the grocery, got stuffs to eat. time to enjoy the food, breeze, the view, white sand, and the company of great up.....sleep......

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