Wednesday, December 23, 2009

still running

last nite, i was doing my training run around my neighborhood, in the cold nite with snow all around the site of the road, as i liked it, since i think the snow actually help my visibility to the road with its reflection of the street and house's lite, especially with the holiday season decoration that people around my area putting up. it is always nice. and oh..., wanted to thank them for keep it lit in the neighborhood.
the run itself was pretty good. i was able to control my pace and my effort. i was able to control my hr in terms of pace and effort that i wanted to put in. after a little while not running with snow surrounding, i guess i kind of forgot of how cold it could b, so with my short, obviously i felt a little bit chilly, but it's nice.
with nite run, sometimes, comes a little problem from motorists. some of them are pretty understanding. as soon as they see me from afar still running, they would swerve a little bit to the other side to avoid me, but others, they are so very very....well....not sure what's the word, but for me it is sometimes annoying.
there was one time an old lady actually stop in front of my running path with no car coming from the other side for her to just swerve a little bit the other side. she actually stop, horned and looked at me, as if i was some kind of fugitive on the run. she seemed trying to check me out, and i was like.....what's up with that? with my two hands and shoulder raised up just like a little kid trying to act like he doesn't know what's going on, since well...for me, i didn't know what's going on with the old lady. as for me, i jst kept on running.
then, there are also people that seemed they are actually purposely trying to either ran me off the street, or just scare me. as for me, i always make sure people in the car see me and please share the road. btw, this is not a rage, but just something that i thought i found it funny how people driving a car can be so ignorant to the surrounding. i mean, where did u get ur license? did u bribe someone? oh well.....i guess that's jst one of the few gimmicks, or experience that i hd to go thru as a runner, huh? yeach.....i know.....sounded weird....any thoughts?

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